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    October 2022 Articles

  • Serial Killers - Part Two

    Serial Killers - Part Two

    In the previous article on serial killers (which can be accessed by clicking here), I presented a definition of what constitutes a serial killing spree. There were three components, that must be present:

    • 1. At least three people killed
    • 2. Each death/killing must be a distinct/individual event and be separated by a "cooling off period"
    • 3. Motive(s) may be varied, and do not have to have a sexual aspect to them
    With this in mind, I now want to look at some of the criminological theories that have been presented concerning why individuals commit such strings of offenses. If you’ve ever watched a film, and/or...

  • Serial Killers

    Serial Killers

    Crimes – including violent offenses - are statistically rare incidents, compared with other activities people engage in. Even persistent, repeat offenders engage in other activities, such as going to bars and restaurants, buying food etc., far more frequently than they engage in offending. When looking at different types of offenders and offenses, there is far more data on burglaries and car thefts, than there is on murder, simply because they are much more common events. One of the least common and rarest of all violent offenses is serial murdering/killing. In this and the next few articles I want to look...

  • Misleading Musings of the Martial Arts

    Misleading Musings of the Martial Arts

    Many people take up learning a martial art or a self-defense system in the belief that by learning techniques and solutions to violence, and by developing skills, they will be able to make up for a lack of athletic and physical prowess i.e., a smaller, weaker individual will be able to overcome a larger, more powerful aggressor etc. That was certainly my belief and motivation when I first started training. At the time I thought everything came down to technical proficiency, and it was only through training, that I began to understand a certain level of strength, fitness and aggression...

  • Confirmation Glancing & The Prince Andrew Interview

    Confirmation Glancing & The Prince Andrew Interview

    I have written about detecting deception before, looking at both verbal and non-verbal clues. In this article I want to look specifically at non-verbal facial cues, and how these can be used to detect deceit. Whenever we look at interpreting facial expressions, it is worth reminding ourselves that we need to see an individual’s expression in context, or we may misinterpret their emotional state etc. We just simply aren’t good at recognizing and identifying emotions from facial expressions without any contextual information (to read more about this click here). The other thing we need to be aware of when using...

  • Preventing E-Bike Thefts

    Preventing E-Bike Thefts

    I don’t know if you have ever had your car stolen, but if you have, you may have walked around the spot where it was once parked – in a state of disbelief – secretly hoping that somehow, you’re in the wrong place, and that maybe, just maybe this wasn’t the spot where you left it. Between 1994 and 1995, I had three cars stolen, and each time this was my response. The problem was that I lived in a high crime area (best I could afford when I left university), and I drove old cars, that had few security...