Cell Phones
- Personal Safety
- Tue 26th Aug 2014
There are few people today who don\'t have a cell phone - one of the reasons you should be suspicious if anyone ever asks you for the time - and yet often the way we use them, severely compromises our personal safety. Below are answers to some of the questions that I get asked at seminars and training events, concerning mobile phones, along with observations I have made regarding cell phone use.
One of the biggest misconceptions that people...
Dating Advice
- Self Defense
- Mon 18th Aug 2014
As a 42 year old man, it is both strange and amusing to me, to be writing a blog article, giving dating advice, however after some of the conversations I had over the weekend during/after our women\'s self-defense class, I feel this is good a time as any to talk about dating from a personal safety perspective (especially as it coincides with our Annual Campus Safety Seminar, aimed at young women going off to university for the first time).

Heuristics & Planning
- Personal Safety
- Tue 12th Aug 2014
Aggressive and violent incidents are fast paced affairs (once you find yourself involved in one - through prediction and early identification, most can be avoided). When we find ourselves in such situations, our first response, after denial and disbelief, in to ask \"what should I do?\" One of the things that often separates us from predatory individuals (muggers, robbers, sexual assailants etc.)is that they have a plan, however loose, and we don\'t. One of the issues that many self-defense and martial arts practitioners have regarding real world violence, is that...
Inflicting Damage on Others
- Krav Maga
- Sat 2nd Aug 2014
Many people when they come to take “self-defense” classes, do so believing that they will be taught a few tricks and techniques that will allow them to disengage /escape from a violent altercation without them getting hurt, or having to hurt another individual(s). Few come with an understanding, that the only way to deal with violence is to become violent – even if this is only to create enough of a disturbance/disruption that will create for them the time and space to disengage. Many people when they practice striking in class, hitting and punching the pads with as much force...