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    May 2024 Articles

  • Raoul Moat – The Media & Violence

    Raoul Moat – The Media & Violence

    Most people have never directly experienced violence e.g., in 2022 the FBI reported that there were as few as 380.7 violent crimes per 100 000 people, in the US, meaning that very few people in the US actually experienced violence directly i.e., had a firsthand experience of it. Obviously, violent offending isn’t spread evenly across the country, and different cities, towns, and locales etc., experience it at different rates e.g., if you live in Cleveland, Ohio you are at a greater risk of violence than if you live in Burlington, Vermont, however there may well be parts of Cleveland that...

  • Letting People Be Wrong

    Letting People Be Wrong

    America is a country founded on “rights” e.g., the right to free speech, the right to bear arms etc. It was important for this “new” country to explicitly define these rights when it broke with its colonial past; most of the rights that were/are held in British law are maintained implicitly based largely on “tradition”. Being a newly independent country, putting these rights down on paper was necessary; there are also many other benefits - as well as some issues – in doing so. However, this article isn’t looking to compare the costs and benefits of written (U.S.) and unwritten...

  • Scavengers


    In 2018, a married London city worker (Sanjay Naker aged 28) employed at Price Waterhouse Cooper, was jailed for eight years, after repeatedly raping and sexually assaulting an 18-year-old woman in a 30-minute ordeal. Naker was discovered by a security guard, zipping up his trousers and standing over the woman he’d victimized, as she lay unconscious and half-naked in a pool of her own urine. He ran off and took a minicab back home to his wife and two children, where he googled the definition of “rape”. The assault was so bad that the teenager had to be hospitalized. Naker...

  • Personal Safety Lessons from A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

    Personal Safety Lessons from A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

    I’m a fan of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). I don’t believe that “robots” will take over the world - feel free to email me, or my robot captor/guardian in a few years, if you’ve managed to escape their regime. However, I do think it is worth taking a moment to look at what A.I. does well at from a security/safety perspective, along with what it’s not so good at, and may never be so good at; I don’t believe that it will ever be able to surpass the human evolution of “intuition”; that “system” which has been keeping us safe -...