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    June 2016 Articles

  • Active Shooter (Part 2) - Hide, Fight

    Active Shooter (Part 2) - Hide, Fight

    Although running and disengagement are preferred strategies (or tackling an active shooter, in the first stages of an incident – see the previous blog for reasons and details), the situation may not always allow you to implement them e.g. the shooter/killer is advancing towards you along the exit route you have chosen, etc. This may mean that your most effective strategy is to try and hide from them. This may simply involve remaining unseen and letting them pass you by, or it could involve possibly barricading yourself into a room, so that they have difficulty gaining access to you, and...

  • Active Shooter - Run, Hide, Fight (Running)

    Active Shooter - Run, Hide, Fight (Running)

    I’ve written about Active Shooter and Rampage Killing scenarios before on this blog, however I’m going to write about these types of incidents again, but looking at some of the misconceptions, around different strategies, and how the “Run, Hide, Fight” approach, although fundamentally sound, could actually divert people from implementing effective solutions. To the untrained individual, the “Run, Hide, Fight” strategy, can, at first glance, seem to present these three options in a hierarchical fashion i.e. it is better to run, than to hide, and better to hide than fight. However there are situations, when both running and fighting may both...

  • Working Under Pressure

    Working Under Pressure

    To have a realistic chance of surviving a real life confrontation, you must be used to training under pressure; this is something that those who practice combat sports, such as MMA, Boxing, Judo etc. are used to doing – competitive sports teach you a lot about functioning under pressure, where you have an opponent who is going to try and deny you the time, space and opportunity, to do whatever it is that you want to, or are trying to do. This “pressure” has many parallels, to the pressure that a real-life attacker, will try and do, such as putting...

  • Dads Dont Know

    Dads Dont Know

    For those of you who haven’t been on social media for the past 48 hours, you probably haven’t heard of the Stanford sexual assault case, where student, Brock Turner, was found guilty on 3 counts of sexual assault, against a female student, and sentenced to a six-month imprisonment in a county jail, of which he may only end up serving three. The case has generated some controversy for a number of reasons, one of which is the leniency of the sentence (6 months is a fraction of the possible 14 years he could have served for his felonies) – compare...

  • Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali

    There have been few sportsmen or women as charismatic or influential – both inside and outside their sport – as boxer, Muhammad Ali (January 3rd, 1942 – June 3rd, 2016). Below are four lessons, that I believe Ali’s life, and career, can teach us about surviving real-life violence. -        Skills and attributes are more important than techniques -        Style, comes from character, and isn’t a substitute for it -        Be, able to back up what you say -        You need to have an adaptable game plan Boxing is a combat sport that demonstrates, that skills and attributes are what make the difference, in a confrontation,...