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    January 2025 Articles

  • Using Weapons “Hot” & “Cold”

    Using Weapons “Hot” & “Cold”

    Whilst I’m somewhat tech savvy e.g., I engage in crime data analysis using structured and unstructured data etc., I am not someone who understands social media; I get how algorithms work or are “meant” to work, but I don’t know how to “tune” my feeds, or if that is even possible, so that I see what I want to see, rather than what the social media platform wants me to see etc. This isn’t a major problem in my life, but it means I sometimes see debates and discussions around subjects that I thought had been concluded years ago. One...

  • The Trial of Dennis (“Des”) Nilsen

    The Trial of Dennis (“Des”) Nilsen

    Psychology is a behavioral science that is sometimes referred to as a “soft” science. If you think about mathematics and the sub-discipline of trigonometry (the study of angles), a shape such as a triangle has to have all of its angles add up to 180 degrees, and a square 360 degrees etc. If a shape’s angles don’t add up to 180 degrees, it can’t be – and there’s no way it can be – a triangle. The “rules” are firm and rigid on this. There is also a “predictive” element to this, in that once you know a shape angles...

  • Krav Maga Things To Work on in the New Year

    Krav Maga Things To Work on in the New Year

    Much of my reading and research regarding criminology concerns environmental criminology e.g., which environmental factors influence particular crimes; why do street robberies happen in certain places at certain times and not in other places at those times etc. This involves the spatial (location) and temporal (time) aspects of crime and acts of violence etc. From a psychological perspective we are all “creatures” who operate in, and are influenced by, space, and we relate to others in space e.g., if you look at the way strangers stand together when waiting for a bus you can discern a lot about how they...

  • Working with Instinct

    Working with Instinct

    There can be a danger in turning something that is simple into something that is simplistic i.e., you reduce something that is straightforward and direct into something that doesn’t acknowledge context etc. Krav Maga defenses are – initially - designed to react to a movement rather than to identify the exact nature of the attack e.g., a 360/Outer-Defense, is “triggered” by a circular movement that crosses a person’s peripheral vision, initiating the “startle reflex”. That movement could be a loping/swinging haymaker (unarmed attack), or a knife slash or stab etc. However, whilst these different attacks may initiate the same reflex,...