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    December 2024 Articles

  • The Physical Environment Counts

    The Physical Environment Counts

    When I was at university I briefly – very briefly – went out with a girl from Cumbernauld; she was a brutally honest person (I hope she still is, and happy), who quickly realized we had little in common, weren’t compatible etc., and after a month or two announced that we had no future and probably shouldn’t even be friends etc. Really, the only connection we’d had was both being Scottish at an English University; as a realist, from Cumbernauld (this is important) she definitely realized this wasn’t enough, whilst as a romantic optimist I, at the time, convinced myself...

  • Crime and the Urban Environment

    Crime and the Urban Environment

    I believe that crime and acts of violence are largely a product of the environment and opportunity as opposed to criminality i.e., those with a certain mindset and attitude etc. That is not to say that there aren’t people out there in society who are aggressively/violently inclined however if we look at the majority of acts/offenses they are committed by people who find themselves in the moment able to advantage their position psychologically/emotionally or tangibly by committing an offense/crime e.g., a person scans an avocado at the self-checkout as an onion because they believe the store employee overseeing the checkout...

  • Journeys to Crime and the Return to Base

    Journeys to Crime and the Return to Base

    The Journey-to-Crime (JTC) has always been of interest to me. There are those offenders who set out to particular locations with the intent and goal of committing a crime e.g., John Duffy and David Mulcahy – the railway rapists – who would choose and head to certain railway stations in order to select/target single women, and there are those who, like foraging animals, leave their home/base looking for opportunities to present themselves. There are also those offenders who don’t start their day with any motivation to offend and then presented with an opportunity that is too good to refuse and...

  • Laptop Cameras and Security

    Laptop Cameras and Security

    There’s the old saying/joke that goes, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you”. If I remember correctly it comes from Jospeh Heller’s Catch-22. Imagined fears can be real. Whilst my time in security has seen me interact with technology e.g., I’ve analyzed data sets for anomalies, trends etc., I’m not much of a “hardware” guy. This means that when I come across articles or attend conferences, I’m always interested in hearing what those who work in these areas have to say. A few years ago, I was asked to demonstrate/talk about Krav Maga by an Israeli cybersecurity...

  • Sexual Value Systems & Violence

    Sexual Value Systems & Violence

    There are certain incidents/crimes that I find myself returning to examine/study for a variety of reasons. One of these is the sexual homicide of Naomi Louise Smith in 1995, which illustrates the potential impact different sexual value systems within communities can have on violent crime. I had just finished a Master’s degree in Psychology, which was ostensibly one in forensic psychology (psychology connected with the legal/criminal justice system), that had allowed me – due to a lecturer/professor’s area of study/interest - to take part in interviews with convicted high-risk sex-offenders at HMP Frankland, a Category A men’s prison in County...