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    September 2012 Articles

  • Beyond Technique

    Beyond Technique

    The Correct Way To Study Techniques One of my old instructors used to say, “Techniques can fail, concepts can’t.” I have found, especially in the Krav Maga world, that people get hung up about techniques e.g. they want to know the best and most effective technique to escape a side headlock, the appropriate technique to deal with a knife to the side of the throat etc, and whilst I admire this search for knowledge my concern is that people are really only gaining an encyclopedia of techniques that they hope they will be able to reference when having to deal with...

  • Edged Weapons

    Edged Weapons

    Edged Weapons You will meet few security professionals and real world operators, who wouldn’t rather face an armed assailant with a gun than one equipped with a knife or blade. A gun is a unidirectional weapon that although packing more potential killing power than a knife is only functional /operational when pointed in one direction; if you can move yourself and/or the weapon offline the threat is dealt with. A knife, on the other hand, can be worked in many different directions and planes making it hard to escape and move away from. Also a gun is a blunt and regular...

  • The Disadvantage of Time

    The Disadvantage of Time

    I’ll let you into a secret (like most secrets there are none, so there shouldn’t be any surprises I - n telling you this...): nothing in the world of professional security and safety is designed for you and your use, everything is designed, articulated and for the benefit of the security and safety professional, not the person who is actually caught up in the middle of it. You are expected to behave and act according to a script that someone else has written for you. Every safety system is based on the premise that people behave rationally and sensibly under...

  • Guns, Knives & Videotape

    Guns, Knives & Videotape

    The debate around 2nd Amendment rights, although politically important has led many people to neglect the use and carry of other available weapons that in certain situation may be more relevant and applicable than a firearm e.g. there are occasions when non-lethal weapons such as batons and CS Sprays etc may be more suitable for dealing with an aggressor than a handgun or similar. Not every self-defense situation requires the use of lethal force and having alternative solutions means that an individual doesn’t have to pull their piece when either the law or the level of risk within the situation...

  • Armed Assaults

    Armed Assaults

    A boxing ring, a cage or even the mats of a dojo offer the perfect environment for two different fighters to compare their fighting skills and abilities. Real life violence however doesn’t concern itself with the idea or concept of finding out who is the best fighter, instead it is about what one person is prepared to and able to do to another. The best ring or cage fighter is as vulnerable (and unprepared) as the next man if an armed assailant starts shanking them in the legs and buttocks whilst they stand, relieving themselves in front of a bar/pub...