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    February 2025 Articles

  • The "Rules" of the Street

    The "Rules" of the Street

    Perhaps the most frightening thing about being involved in a fight/violent confrontation is the realization that the other party feels no longer bound to respect the law or other social conventions. For whatever reason they believe the use of force is justified either to resolve a dispute/injustice or acquire an “asset”, whether that is something you own, or you, yourself etc. This entry into an unknown world is what makes punches feel harder than they physically are, as they come with a psychological and emotional weight, which adds power to them. In the physical confrontations I’ve been in, I have...

  • Judo, Ippon-Seoi-Nage and Rear Strangles/Chokes

    Judo, Ippon-Seoi-Nage and Rear Strangles/Chokes

    I’m a Judo guy. I started training when I was a kid and competed through my teenage years into adulthood. I’m not just interested in it as a competitive combat sport but also as a self-defense system; Judo has its own dedicated self-defense component Goshin Jutsu, which looks at how to respond to specific attacks, such as what to do when a lapel or wrist is grabbed etc. Many of these techniques are contained in the Goshin Jutsu no Kata; a two-person form Kata, which contains a predetermined set of attacks, one of which is a rear “naked” strangulation/choke (Hadaka-Jime);...

  • What Creates a Serial Killer

    What Creates a Serial Killer

    Human beings have a natural aversion to killing each other – something that is common across all species i.e., a species that was intent on killing its members would soon be extinct. In nature, most killing occurs due to the need for food or to protect resources, however humans may kill for other reasons, such as matters of ego etc. However, killing for killing’s sake, is not a common human trait, and when we see it, it is not something we readily/easily understand. We may be fascinated by individuals such as Ted Bundy and Dennis Nilsen, but the reasons as...

  • Serial Killers - the South African Experience

    Serial Killers - the South African Experience

    It is easy to forget how relatively “new” certain criminal phenomenon are, or at the very least our awareness and understanding of them. We may look back to the case of Jack the Ripper, a serial sexual homicidal killer, who committed his offenses in the Whitechapel area of London in the 1860’s and believe that nearly 200 years later we should have a complete knowledge and understanding as to how and why such crimes are committed etc. However, the fact that offending, and especially serious offending is – despite what the media may tell us – a relatively rare events,...