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Pick Pockets

Pick Pockets, is an article written by Gershon Ben Keren, a 5th Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga, who teaches Krav Maga in Boston, MA. He has also authored three Amazon best-Selling Books on Krav Maga.

Different criminals choose diferent crimes for a variety of reasons. A mugger, commits street robberies because they offer a quick source of cash, the burglar breaks in to houses because their need for cash isn't so immediate and they consider the risk of confronting someone to great. The pickpocket or sneak thief picks pockets because they need quick cash but wish to avoid having to confront their target/victim. In most cases of crime there is an element of power and control e.g. the burglar, the mugger get a rush from either breaking into a place and having control over a location they shouldn't be in, or from having someone acquiesce to their demands. The pickpocket might derive some satisfaction from accomplishing their crime,and demonstrating their skills of stealth and slight of hand etc. but because there is so little interaction, or time spent commiting the crime their need to take away a sense of power from the crime is a lot less. This is important to know if you expose a pickpocket during the act- they are not likely to be inclined towards violence in the same way as a mugger or burglar would be (this is of course a generalization and there are muggers who spend the majority of the time commiting robberies who would not pass up the opportunity to pick someone's pocket should it arise).

Criminals may also opt for pick pocketing because of a language barrier. Someone who has just arrived in a country and is in need of cash but doesn't speak the language may opt for picking pockets because it's a crime that doesn't rely on any verbal exchange. Although commiting a burglary itself wouldn't involve any interaction, selling the goods on to a fence would and if the person isn't tapped into a criminal network they may not have this opportunity.

Pickpockets like all criminals follow a four step (sometimes five step) process, that makes their crime somewhat predictable. Firstly they select their criminal activity and a location/environment to commit their crime. Pickpockets will work in crowded areas, sometimes as a team, where there is a large selection of potential targets; they will also want to work in crowed areas where people and objects can obscure what they are doing - pick pocketing is one of those crimes that passers by have less qualms or fears about calling out a person if they see them committing such a crime - they know that such individuals commit these crimes because they are scared of confrontation. Escalators are a good place, as they give the criminal legitimacy to be close to a person, and their target is static.

When selecting a victim/target (the second step) a pick pocket will be looking for someone who is unaware and possibly engagedin other activity (such as talking on a phone, window shopping etc.), they will also prefer a static target to a moving one.The idea that a pick pocket will be able to take the watch of your wrist without you realizing it is far fetched. Most pickpockets will require whatever goods they want to take of you such as your wallet, to be easily accessible - and the further away from your actual person the better. If you carry a backpack with external pockets, these may well be checked for goods as it is unlikely you will feel the person unzipping the pocket; unless that is you sway slightly as you walk. If you do this then if someone has hold of the bag,you will feel the resistance as you move. Simple steps such as not having the bag fully on your back but slung over a shoulder is a much better way to carry it - it also allows you to release it quickly if the crime is a violent bag snatch etc.

Oftentimes people don't realize when they have a wallet or cash taken from them. A person may assume they have had their pocket picked whilst being part of a crowd, when really their possessions were taken when they left their bag unattended whilst going to the bathroom in a bar/restaurant etc. It is naïve to rely on others to protect your possessions for you, and inconvenient as it is you should take your bag(s) with you.

One strategy I often employ is to separate my cash, from my cards/ID etc, so if somebody does get past my natural security, I still have either money or credit cards to help me get through my day. It would be difficult for somebody to get either of these, as I keep them in the front pockets of my jeans, so that they are not easily accessible by me, let alone anyone else. When I carry bags/laptop,I keep it close to me so any interference with it can be felt- simply pulling a bag away if you feel it is being interfered with will dissuade any criminal from continuing their crime. Moving at a decent speed, rather than loitering will help prevent somebody from being able to get hold of our bags or clothing without being identified. All of these things will not only help us to avoid being selected as a victim but will also help us identify such crimes when they are in process.


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